Category Archives: Blog

New Show! The Bruzz (with Bryce and Jason)

Check out the pilot episode of a brand new show called The Bruzz (it’s Bryce + Buzz. Get it?!) Each week we’ll catch up with Bryce on all things marketing and pop culture. This week we talk about the upcoming holiday season,  Selena Gomez, and much, much more. Also, Jason somehow manages to segue the conversation to be about tea.

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Emotional Intelligence

Recently I picked up the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0.  When you purchase the book, you receive a code that allows you to take an emotional intelligence test.  The test is short, so I’m not convinced my emotional intelligence score is accurate.  However, taking the test at least brought up questions about myself that peaked my curiosity. According to the book, emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.  Although emotional intelligence is a bit intangible, the authors explain that it…

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Announcing Dispatch Subscription Box!!!!!!!!

Our new fall line is amazing!  We are introducing a subscription based model to breakout.  In this video, Jeremiah and I talk about this exciting opportunity. Check out the site here.   Also, like, share, follow, post all things social media here, here and here. We will send more information about how employee discounts will work so you can play with your friends and family.  For now, enjoy this episode of Orange Perspective.  

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Being Misunderstood

Being misunderstood often lies at the root of conflicts with guests and with one another. While we can’t always communicate more effectively, we can manage our response when misunderstood. Check out what we mean here:  

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