Category Archives: Blog
Book Review: Side Hustle
I read a pretty fun book this weekend. It’s called Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. It takes you step-by-step through actions you can take to turn your idea for extra income into some actual money in 27 days (like the title says). I’ll be the first to tell you I am typically very leery of books like this. A book that promises a seemingly simple fortune in a short period of time sounds like a scam to me. I thought this was one of those books but was pleasantly surprised when I dove in. The book works like this, first, you have an…
Keep ReadingFirst, Break All the Rules Pt. 3: Focus on Strengths
We’re back again this week with Jason and Brad to talk about the third key of First, Break All the Rules: Focus on Strengths. What is the benefit of focusing on the strengths of your team members? How do you spend time with each of your team members to focus on their strengths? Let us know in the comments below.
Keep ReadingThe Value of Fiction
I have a three-year-old son, Alro and he absolutely loves to read. Every night ends with the request, “one more book, Dad?”. The funny thing is this was not me growing up, not at all. For as long as I remember I loathed reading. If I read a book it was for school purposes only and even then I only read enough to write a report for a passing grade. Honestly, I don’t think I read an entire book until my twenties. As a spry, now twenty-nine year old I cannot over stress the importance of books during the…
Keep ReadingFirst, Break All the Rules Pt. 2: Define the Right Outcomes
In our second installment of FBATR, Jason and Brad talk about the second Key: Defining the Right Outcomes. What does it mean to define the right outcomes and how do you get your team to follow through to achieve those outcomes? Watch below for Jason’s and Brad’s insights, and let us know in the comments how you balance setting and maintaining standards with being flexible with the individuality of each team member.
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