Category Archives: Blog
Book Review: Side Hustle

I read a pretty fun book this weekend. It’s called Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. It takes you step-by-step through actions you can take to turn your idea for extra income into some actual money in 27 days (like the title says). I’ll be the first to tell you I am typically very leery of books like this. A book that promises a seemingly simple fortune in a short period of time sounds like a scam to me. I thought this was one of those books but was pleasantly surprised when I dove in. The book works like this, first, you have an idea…
Keep ReadingAtomic Habits Part 2
Hey guys! Welcome to part 2 of __? with the book Atomic Habits. I am slowly working my way through this book but nonetheless I am enjoying the tidbits I have picked up along the way. (Quick side note on me not reading this book quickly- I am really digging this fiction series about a game warden in Wyoming and I haven’t been able to put those books down long enough to finish this one.) There are a couple ideas I’ve come across that have been helpful for me. In the last post, I talked about stacking habits on…
Keep ReadingAtomic Habits Part 1
Hey everyone! Today’s post is going to be quick. I am currently reading the book Atomic Habits and I wanted to share one tidbit from the first 100 pages or so that I think is helpful. The subtitle of the book is “An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones,” so as I’m sure you can gather, this book is about forming useful habits. Okay so let’s imagine you want to form a new habit of taking a vitamin every day. One of the practices this author talks about is called habit stacking. The idea…
Keep ReadingFirst, Break All the Rules Pt. 4: Find the Right Fit
In the final installment of FBATR, Jason sits down with three Breakout RODs, Chris , Brian, and Adam, to discuss the fourth key: Find the Right Fit. Watch as they discuss how to go about finding the right roles for the members of your team. How do you help your team discover their ‘right fit’? Let us know in the comments below.
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