Let's dig deeper.
Announcing Dispatch Subscription Box!!!!!!!!
Our new fall line is amazing! We are introducing a subscription based model to breakout. In this video, Jeremiah and I talk about this exciting opportunity. Check out the site here. Also, like, share, follow, post all things social media here, here and here. We will send more information about how employee discounts will work so you can play with your friends and family. For now, enjoy this episode of Orange Perspective.
Keep ReadingBeing Misunderstood
Being misunderstood often lies at the root of conflicts with guests and with one another. While we can’t always communicate more effectively, we can manage our response when misunderstood. Check out what we mean here:
Keep ReadingCreating Emotional Experiences
Creating an emotional experience is really important in our industry. A recent article on inc.com explains why. Here is an excerpt. “Experience is about the emotions we have when we interact with brands. I believe we’re not just marketers anymore. We’re not even stewards of experience. We’re ambassadors of experience and we own the milliseconds that make up the journeys that our customers travel with us on in our marketing, in our sales, our support, and increasingly, even in the products we design and develop,” said John Mellor, Vice President of Strategy, Alliances and Marketing, Adobe. “We know that…
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