Posts by Cassie Dilly
Giving Thanks: The Two Parts of Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving week, OP Nation! In the heart of thankfulness and gratitude, I want to encourage you to take time this week as you head into the holiday to be intentional about expressing your gratitude for those around you. As I’m reflecting on what this looks like in my own life, I believe that there are two parts to thankfulness. First, taking inventory of who and what you are thankful for. Far too often we speed along in the busyness of our days without slowing down long enough to take in our surroundings and do an audit on our…
Keep ReadingWhat We’re Learning Wednesday: Eat That Frog!

We’re back with another What We’re Learning Wednesday! Continuing with the theme of deep, concentrated work and time management, today I’m sharing the most recent read from the top of my desk — Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog: 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. Broken down into 21 easily-digestible chapters, Eat That Frog provides readers with techniques and concepts of time management from top producers in various industries. For its small size and funny title, this book truly does pack a punch, leaving you feeling like you learned tangible skills while still having…
Keep ReadingLow Hanging Fruit & What’s Easiest First
“In the absence of metrics, most people fall back on what is easiest.” – Cal Newport Have you ever been there? It’s the start of the workday and while you have so many things to accomplish, you have no idea of where to begin. Mostly out of habit, you open your email inbox to catch up on anything that rolled in since you ended the day before. The requests, questions, tasks, and needs of others immediately arise and your already full workday just became incredibly more full. You begin to work your way through your inbox, engaging ninja skills to…
Keep ReadingWhat We’re Learning Wednesday: Deep Work
Happy Wednesday, OP Nation! I’m kicking off a fun little series we’re going to be hosting on the blog on Wednesdays where we showcase something we’re loving or learning around here at HQ. Jason recently challenged all of the directors to dive into a book by Cal Newport called “Deep Work.” The premise of the book is that deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task and that this unique skill is becoming increasingly rare in our economy and culture. With this in mind, we are learning to turn off the multi-tasking function…
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