Category Archives: Blog

New Segment – Mail Grab Bag

Jason and Brad are here to announce a new segment on the Orange Perspective Vlog – Mail Grab Bag. It’s like a weekly AMA with the gang at the warehouse. Also, Brad seems to find something very funny. Maybe you can submit a question about what it is.

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Developing the Leader Within You: Chapter 3

We took a week off for Thanksgiving, which means we did not make a video last week for the book. I know. Totally ridic. We shouldn’t be so lazy! But here we are now, so I think I will just quickly summarize and ask a discussion question or two. Chapter three introduces the idea of integrity in leadership. Maxwell says, “The more credible you are, the more confidence people place in you, thereby allowing you the privilege of influencing their lives.” He then discusses seven reasons why integrity is so important. Integrity builds trust Integrity has high influence value…

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The Thankful Perspective

This week we take a break from Developing the Leader Within You to focus on Developing the Food-Baby Within You. That’s right, yesterday was Thanksgiving! Join us as we go around the warehouse and find out what different team members are thankful for. This editor is thankful for caffeine, Nutty Buddies, and royalty free music.  

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Fall Breakout District Manager Meeting

This past week we met with the Breakout district managers to discuss business-y stuff and even stayed in a real life haunted AirBNB. Check it out! (The business-y stuff, that is. Most of the haunted house footage was mysteriously lost, but we did manage to capture some audio of something that sounded like “boo”.)

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